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Squaring the Strange

Squaring the Strange brings evidence-based analysis and commentary to a wide variety of topics, ranging from the paranormal to the political.


Investigating ghosts. Debunking conspiracies. Dodging chupacabras.

If a claim seems strange, Ben and Pascual will try to square it with the facts.


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May 19, 2023

After some discussion of Ed Sheeran's day in court, and then Celestia's day in Calgary for the WeCanReason conference, Pascual and Ben take us on a nostalgic and investigative journey through Chimayo, a small town in New Mexico. Why do 30,000 penitent pilgrims travel here each year? Can the dirt here heal...

May 5, 2023

For our 200th episode we are joined by Matt "The Tube" Crowley and Tim Cridland, aka Zamora the Torture King, to discuss the new documentary about the rise and fall of the Jim Rose Circus. This rock n' roll version of sideshow oddities reintroduced the art of sideshow to many who had never seen it. As two of the...